Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Morning Paris

1976, Claude Lelluche, Camera fixed on the bumper of the Ferrari. Ah!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Music Music

password qwertyasd
share your favorite songs
download cool stuff

neat idea is by Artur

Thursday, March 19, 2009

where would you like to wake up tomorrow?

Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn from Fifty People, One Question on Vimeo.

Dreams, dreams

50 x 60 cm, acrylics, canvas

This painting turned out to be very peculiar in sense how it appeared. About 2-3 weeks ago I saw a beautiful dream in which I was walking around gorgeous Almaty mountains, and they were all not real, but painted. Like in the movie 'Where dreams can lead' with Robin Williams. And then I forgot about the dream and started this painting. In the mid of working on it, I had a strong deja-vu, slowly realizing that I already saw the exact same colors under my feet and exactly same painted mountains in front of my eyes in my dream. What a crazy feeling that was!

Saturday, March 7, 2009