Monday, September 29, 2008

september is about to end

and I still do not believe in my summer. it was so cinematographic.
every tiny detail was filled with friends' smiles, laughter, warmth and craziness.

smiles, strangers, friends, sunrises, mountains, parents, home, trains, plains, St. Petersburg, Issyk-Kul, concerts...

all summer our umbrellas were lying deep in the closets, in how many rains we'd all have got, playing freesbee in the thunderstorms, biking in the rain for hours, crossing bridges, screaming with excitement on empty night streets filled with numerous lights.

i remember how we got into this huge rain on our way to Travis concert, and how we were all getting dry there, singing our throats away to their songs. how they, when the concert was over, came out again, grouped around one microphone and started singing again, accompanied just by acoustic guitar. Or this dream-like concert of Massive Attack in St. Petersburg: white night, open air, perfect sound..They took me to another dimension.

how we, young and stupid, were testing our alcohol limits, jumping into the swimming pool all dressed and then running home across the park, drenched, drunk and happy, making it to last metro-train.

how we were meeting golden sunrises, either dancing all night away, or studying with 6 cups of coffee.

how we'd buy spontaneously tickets to st. petersburg catching trains on the last minute, how we'd walk all day and all night around the city, exploring each little street, every little cafe, how unreal everything would seem in the morning.

how empty, tiny and bitter i felt, how all words stuck inside and i couldn't say anything to Dasha when her mother had died, taking her away from sorrow to Issyk-Kul, this peaceful and quiet place.

and how one country was following me even umbrellas, in colors, in green-white-red ice-cream :-)

what joy and fun do my parents bring, always in love, always young and fresh, joking and laughing. all these warm, cozy home evenings, listening to music, playing piano, having tea-conversations with my dad, cuddling with best of all cats Nusha, eating enormous amounts of fruits, baking in the 45* Sunshine

how i love every tiny feature of people that are around me, how diverse and wonderful they all are. thank you for making my routine so un-routine like.

bye-bye dear summer..

autumn came in bringing cold but beautiful weather, outdoor fun has moved to indoor movies/tea/games/ and this song is a good soundtrack to September:

1 comment:

jasmigreen said...

That was absolutely the best summer in my life, indeed.
Best concerts, best people, best emotions, best walks, best Moscow.

Guess that i will never forget this summer, it gave me my best A.

Love u so much